David Still, XiaoQian and other virtual persons…

Virtual Persons Archive

A web documentary of all the virtual persons I created. Web capture and edition by Stephanie Boisset ...


Mouchette.org is an interactive website created in 1996 by a virtual person, a pseudonymous character, an Amsterdam based artist who ...

Curating by Numbers

This interview of Madja E. G. by Lauren Studebaker, has been published in Rhizome on 25 august 2017. Madja E ...

David Still

David Still is an identity donor who offers his personality online to anybody who wants to be him. A recent ...


XiaoQian is the personal website of a young net artist who specializes in the creation of virtual personas and who ...

Virtual Person

VirtualPerson.net is an online interface created by Martine Neddam, which allows users to create their own virtual person. It is a content ...